lördag 29 januari 2011

summer dreams

can't wait to go to the seaside this summer even though i doubt that Jersey is like this anymore. pity.

tisdag 25 januari 2011


Sushi, best thing on a shit-tuesday

måndag 24 januari 2011

quote of the day

an other sunny day

i didn't sleep well last night. i hate when you don't sleep well and then have to go to work the following morning, ugh. well at least the sun is shining and that's not too bad right?

söndag 23 januari 2011


cleaning is not this much fun

quote of the day

reborn in springtime

i woke up this morning and the first thing i noticed was the sun and how it was filtered through my curtains and on to my wall and lit the whole room up. i know that scientists say that humanity will die out if the sun ever died. i can't speak for humanity but i will definitely die, of that i'm sure. without opening my eyes i stayed in be d for a while and listened to the next wonderful thing i noticed, the birds. i know it sounds so pathetic but i can help but smile when i hear the first birdsongs in spring. now i'm sitting in bed listening to smiths and trying to figure out what i shall do today. i think that spring clean my room is in order. wish me luck!

torsdag 20 januari 2011

quote of the day

life is awesome

why is this shit never ending? i'm just so tired to feel like i don't know whats going on in my life, ever. i need a bed and someone to hold me. god, i'm going mad. i can't believe my life is taking such a shit turn at the moment. well at least i have work. i need a drink...

söndag 16 januari 2011


mom told me that warm milk will make me tired. i hope she is right.

lördag 15 januari 2011

quote of the day

we don't see things as they are,
we see things as we are
- anais win


so we decided to make a change in our lives, to be more happy and to do stuff that normal people do. you decided that you were gonna eat more fruit and i said that i was gonna start playing the guitar more since you said i have talent. you said that you were gonna stop sitting in front of the computer and go out doing stuff; and i told you that i was gonna start leaving the house more often and see people more. i enjoyed the conversation; we laughed together and spoke of how we were gonna change 2011 into a super-year. then we stopped talking and just started to look into each others eyes. if you ever have felt so deeply and loved someone so much that you forget time and space when you look into the persons eyes; then you know what i'm talking about. now we are back to "normal"; you're there and i'm here. but soon we will be here or there together so i'm not gonna worry about it.

fredag 7 januari 2011


at the moment playing on repeat on my ipod: rainbowarriors

tisdag 4 januari 2011

i miss it

yeah, well what can i say. in a way life was much easier back then, when the biggest worry was the a exam you have to do even though you were still drunk from the night before. amazing.

måndag 3 januari 2011

Hisham Abbass - Habibi Dah

it makes me happy as hell. like the world is on drugs doing crazy things.

söndag 2 januari 2011


found this when i was cleaning out my old hard drive. i skype with weird people sometimes, the person in the corner is my favorite weird person to skype with.
Love knows no distance