lördag 4 februari 2012

I nerver thought i could feel this way

I met someone that makes me feel like im 17 all over again.

lördag 14 januari 2012

it gets worse

my top sites on my macbook is seriously depressing...
1, my e-mail.
2, my school e-mail.
3, google news.
4, the online bookstore (for medical books so nothing exciting).
5, my schools website.
6, goo.com (me misspelling google... jesus christ)
7, ebay.com
8, twitter.com
9, wikipedia (currently on the subject on IV)
10, Apple start site
11, BBCanytime
12, a buy and sell site (currently looking for the perfect puppy to buy this summer, i wish)

this kinda summarizes my life at the moment, the prognosis is not looking any better either.

tisdag 10 januari 2012

can you be sure?

when are you dead?
when your heart stop beating?
when you stop breathing?
when you are put in the ground?
when you meet your maker?
when people cry over you?
when people don't see you?
or when people forgot your name?

måndag 9 januari 2012

hello was invented so that you had something to say

i wish that we can go for a coffee rather than a skype date.

fredag 6 januari 2012

my life

i enjoy doing things like and do: drawing for 6 hours and not notice time, researching weird facts about ww2 and the 40s, looking at old pictures, baking, cooking, i rather listen to the radio then watching TV, i like going to bed early so i can wake up early, i drink too much tea but i dont really give a fuck, i always make pathetic tries to write a dairy, i take walks during the night cause i like that no one can see me watch the stars, i rather go to a dinner party with my parents then hang out with people my age, i dont mind talking to old people and can do it for hours, i want a puppy, i spend too much money on ebay, if i could wish for anything it would be to be held by you.

söndag 1 januari 2012


even though i admit that i was not really sober last night i have no hang-over what so ever (winning as charlie sheen would have said). good start of 2012. last night was hilarious and im happy that i have sucha wonderful family, friends and neighbors. may everyones 2012 be smashing!