I thought that I had something to write, some thoughts or feelings I needed to express. Clearly I was wrong, I can find anything at the moment to talk about. Neither good nor bad. Not because nothing happened (cause things always happens, that is the "charm" about it) but just because I don't feel like anyone really cares about what happens to me or my so called "life" and absolutely do not want to read about the shit. Sometimes I feel like I'm writing for no reason, but then on the other hand who needs a reason? I have never done anything in my life because I felt forced to do it, life is to damn short for someone else than yourself to decide what you want to do. In the end of the day the only one who's gonna suffer form an unlived life is you. I don't want to grow old and in every single sentence think "I wish I had done this".
Today I met a girl, she is 12, she'll be dead within two months and I've never met a more satisfied and happy person. She is 12 and she has totally accepted that she is going to die. She told me that "Life is uncertain but there are some aspects of it that are certain. There is nothing you have to do in life but 3 things: take your medication, go to the bathroom and die. The rest is up to you". I wish I could have been that wise when I was 12 but I doubt that I'll ever be or consider myself as wise.
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