onsdag 8 september 2010

Welcome to the world of 3

In the name of the Father, the Son and the holy spirit: Here is your internet form 3. Well it was working fine and then all of a sudden stopped and now it's working again. I'm gonna kick that sorry-ass-guy form 3 tomorrow.
Life is better today though, thank you for asking. I'm not yet completely clear of what I want to do with my life but then again; who is? I had dinner with a dear friend of mine yesterday. We both seem to be on the same standpoint in life when you're not quite sure of what you want or what you want to do but as she (the wise, wise woman) said: For crying out loud! We're only 20! Why have youths of today the feeling that it's only downhill form here? Why do we fail to see that just because we don't have a great job or a job at all for that matter, it doesn't mean that you're gonna be homeless for the rest of your life. I don't know, just a thought inside my quite dim head at the moment.

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