Do you ever get an offer that you feel that you have to take even though it is not representing who you are? No, me neither. Two weeks ago I got a call and someone offered me a job, not only is it a way into a huge and successful industry (medicine) but I was a enormous wage increase. I went for an interview and his only "concern" was that I had applied to uni and he wanted the person to work full time but over all he was very impressed with my CV and my merits. Over 30 applicants and guess what? Yes, I got the job. Now, don't get too excited cause I turned it down. I told him that if I got into uni this spring I'm gonna go with that. Even though he was disappointed he said that he understood my decision and that if I ever wanted a job he was sure that he could find me something. Over all I made my decision based on what my heart is telling me to go with and no one can take that away form me.
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